An Evaluation of Epilepsy and Women’s Health Issues
PI: Olgica Laban-Grant, M.D.
Contact information: [email protected]
This is questionnaire –based study.
Inclusion criteria
i) Female
ii) Post menarche aged 12-70
iii) Paroxysmal episodes requiring admission to Epilepsy Monitoring Unit for diagnostic evaluation. Epileptic and Psychogenic Non-Epileptic events, or a combination thereof, are acceptable.
iv) Subject or legally authorized representative must be willing to provide written informed consent/assent prior to entering the study. If the written informed consent/assent is provided by the legal guardian because the subject is unable to do so, a written or verbal assent from the subject must also be obtained.
v) Subject must be able and willing to complete the study documents or have a reliable caretaker/legal representative who is able to complete the documents for the subject.
Exclusion criteria
i) Non-Epileptic events that are of proven cardiac (i.e. convulsive syncope) or endocrine (i.e. hypoglycemia) etiology, or related to other neurological disorders (i.e. migraine or non-epileptic myoclonus).
ii) Subjects who are unable to complete the study documents and are without a caretaker/legal representative who can provide a reliable history (i.e. group home patients without family or with multiple caretakers).
Study procedures
The study entails a questionnaire that willing participants are required to complete during the visit – this questionnaire will take no more than 30 min. Participants will also be given a seizure diary to capture their seizures and menstrual cycles for 90 days which they can return at their next follow-up visit.